Forever Her Scot

  • Victorian

  • Formats:
  • Ebook,
  • Print,
  • Audiobook

  • Release date: June 27, 2024

    American heiress Madeline Chartrand has a problem. Her matchmaking mother is determined to secure an aristocratic husband for her, despite her wishes to the contrary. Lachlan Macfie, the newly minted Duke of Kenross, has an even bigger problem. He’s just inherited a moldering Scottish estate, crumbling castle and all, without the massive funds necessary to repair and run it.

    Fortunately, Lachlan has the perfect solution—a marriage of convenience. It’s a simple enough arrangement. Madeline gets the duke her mother hopes for, and Lachlan can restore the estate with the help of her vast dowry. All he has to do is convince the stubborn and delectable Miss Chartrand that marriage is the answer to both their quandaries.

    Madeline doesn’t want to wed anyone, least of all the burly Scot who trampled her train and spilled champagne on her gown at their first introduction. He’s too tall, too brash, and too overwhelming. She doesn’t even like him.

    Until they’re stranded alone together and Lachlan proves he’s capable of not just protecting her from danger, but kissing her witless. Suddenly, Madeline finds herself facing an entirely new problem. She’s falling in love with a man who wants a marriage in name only. But can she settle for a forever if she can’t have his heart?

    Also in this series